I was a bit confused about this. I was wondering if we were subjecting the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission to say they can't utilize NDAs, but it seems clearer now that this is about previously agreed-upon NDAs from civil litigation that happened that led to a complaint. What this amendment is trying to say is that NDAs can't supersede the complaint process.
A concern I have is whether the government really has the power to break an NDA. If somebody is going to break an NDA in order to make a complaint to the commission, there's nothing that the government can do to protect that person from a reopening of a civil litigation. It seems to me there could be a concern that we might be confusing people and making them think that they can tell anything to the complaints commission without consequence.
Of course we want them to be able to tell the complaints commission everything that they feel is necessary, but I wouldn't want people to be confused in thinking that they're protected under the NDA. I'm not that familiar with NDAs myself. I'm just concerned that we could be creating confusion. That's what I have to say about that.
Do the witness have any thoughts, perhaps?