Mr. Chair, before we get into it—because I don't want to interrupt during clause-by-clause, or at the end if we're rushing over to question period—I have a request. We're making good progress, but at the rate at which we're going, and with all of the other committee work we still have to do before the holiday break, I'm going to humbly request, even though this is never my first suggestion, that the clerk look into additional resources to continue clause-by-clause of Bill C-20, in particular for this Wednesday, if we can't conclude by today. Then, with Wednesday's meeting, we can look at additional resources.
Again, I didn't want to interrupt while we're in the middle of a clause, but I really think, given the timelines and how much we still have left to do, we need to request some additional resources and enable committee members to rearrange their schedules if need be, or find subs.