Thank you, Chair.
Ms. O'Connell was permitted to speak at great length on matters that were clearly not matters of order. You've allowed other members to address things that are unrelated to the amendment on the table, but then when I and other Conservative members seek to respond simply in line with matters that were just raised, you immediately cut that off or call that a lack of decorum or something.
I've dealt with lots of chairs who are elected Liberal members of Parliament. I have encouraged them—as I'll encourage you—to aspire to impartiality in the context of their role in the committee, and to seek to enforce the rules.
That's my point of order. I'm happy to return now to my substantive remarks, and that was simply to say that I do have some specific questions that I want to bring to our witnesses with respect to the amendment. I do want to say that Conservative insistence on having three meetings to address the issue of the Bernardo transfer was very reasonable and very well supported, and I'm glad we achieved that result.