This is clause 53. This is in relation to BQ-14. This is presented as an amendment of concordance to BQ-13, which provides the PCRC a discretion, rather than a requirement, to refuse to deal with a complaint under the conditions set out in subclause 52(5) if the complaint could be better dealt with under another provincial or federal procedure.
This could create situations in which if the PCRC has already commenced an investigation and identifies that the issue being investigated would be better addressed by another procedure—for example, if human rights concerns arise over the course of their investigation—the commission would not have the ability to discontinue their own investigation. We don't believe that this was the Bloc's original intent when they introduced BQ-14.
To better align BQ-14 with what was proposed under BQ-13, the committee should provide the PCRC a discretion to discontinue an investigation into the complaint. A simple way of achieving this would be to add subclause 52(5) under subclause 53(1).
The change in language has been circulated. I can read it into the record if that's required, but it's been circulated.