Yes. Tennille is just....
I am just going to say something quickly, which is that I think when we heard there was going to be a review of the transfer decision, it provided us with some hope that sanity would prevail and the committee would find that he was not the model prisoner who should be moved and whose classification should be downgraded to medium. We watched the explanation from Anne Kelly, and when she said that the findings of the committee revealed that they complied with all the laws and policies, that may well be the case. We obviously aren't privy to all of the ins and outs of that, but she also said that the committee took into account consideration of the victims and they followed all the laws and policies surrounding victim notification. That was really where we dug our heels in and said that's where it's going to have to be changed, because the victim's rights need to matter just as much as the prisoner's rights. The ombudsman's comments have been wonderful, and I think he has summed up so well how victims' rights are not heard in this country and how they need to be heard and the steps this committee is, hopefully, going to be working towards to make that happen.
Really, I think that's what we're hoping for with this panel and with this new committee: It's that the victim's rights will have as much weight as the offender's.