Thank you.
Certainly I understand, in this case, that the date and time may not be an issue, but I could see, in the case of organized crime, for example, that you would certainly want to make sure there are some protections around who knows what and when. However, there would be victims included as well, so there has to be a better mechanism and process while making sure.... Again, this case may not be the example, but as we've seen in Correctional Service Canada, sometimes these processes affect a variety of cases, a variety of offenders and a variety of risks, so I'm appreciative of your perspective on that.
In terms of the notification, we heard testimony from the victims' friends, as well, that they need additional supports as to how to even communicate their feelings prior to a decision being made. Do you have any experience in that realm with clients, not only in helping them prepare statements, if they even know a statement is needed, but also in allowing them to access services? I think my colleague Mr. Julian brought up, as well, the need for counselling to be able to process something that might be occurring or a change in an offender's status.
Is that something you've ever heard of or come across? Do you think it could be helpful?