Thank you for responding to that.
In one of the other comments that you made in your opening remarks, you asked the question, “How can something that is 'shocking and incomprehensible' remain the law of this great country?” Of course, in asking that question you're referencing something that was said by the former public safety minister when he supposedly found out that Mr. Bernardo was being transferred. He said that it was shocking and incomprehensible. Now, we later found out that actually that was misleading. He had known since March. He had known for quite some time before the transfer actually took place in June. Nevertheless, you make this statement that, if it is in fact shocking and incomprehensible, then why would we allow that law to stay on the books?
Mr. Danson, if you had to propose one change, the one that we should start with in order to make our system more robust and in favour of victims, what might that be?