Certainly the way they handled this case on the transfer was dreadful. We didn't find out until the transfer was in motion and actually happening. We were not given any opportunity to respond. I take it that was probably very calculated and deliberate, and that's unfortunate.
The only time that they really prepare victim impact statements is when getting ready for the parole hearings. That, as I said, is a gut-wrenching process for them. It takes them back to day one. It's very difficult.
It's also why we have this access to information application, which is now currently on a leave application to the Supreme Court of Canada. Correctional Service Canada says that everything is private and you're not entitled to anything, even though that's not the law. Let me just back up by saying that we need this information to prepare proper victim impact statements and to make sure that the evidence is out there to make a determination—whether it's a transfer or a parole application.
These are—like parole hearings—public hearings. These offenders are asking for a public remedy. They've asked to be relieved from the full consequences of their life sentence and to be reintegrated back into the community. This is a public hearing. They're asking for a public remedy, yet Correctional Service Canada and the Parole Board throw up the privacy rights of these offenders. Anyone who has attended these parole hearings knows that the most detailed personal information comes out at these hearings. This notion of not sharing the relevant information for an informed decision in a constitutional democracy, where the public has a right to know so it can evaluate whether the government institutions are conducted properly.... It requires transparency.
This is very difficult for the families. As I said, this matter is now on a leave application before the Supreme Court of Canada. Hopefully, leave will be granted and we can get some clarity from our highest court with respect to these issues.