If you read it, you will see that it says that they have a right to certain information, and it's arguable. That's one of the reasons we didn't get into a lot of details in this bill, because we can argue back and forth about what is reasonable information. However, from a victim's standpoint, certain information that we, as the government, decide is important for them to have may not be all-inclusive of what they need to know.
The idea with this bill is to give them a little bit more of that information, to be as transparent as we possibly can, to allow that transfer between victim and perpetrator so that they can learn from it and can understand it. As was brought up earlier, victims didn't choose this. They were thrust into it. They don't know what the system is all about. If they need certain information in order to heal, to function, to remain employed, to remain in a family situation, in a community situation as a reasonable participant in society, it's the least we can do.