I'm sorry about that.
In Montreal, the number of events involving the discharge of a firearm increased from 89 in 2020 to 129 in 2021. In contrast, there were 32 in 2019. The number of murders by firearm increased from five in 2020 to 19 in 2021.
Nevertheless, Montreal remains a safe city, as the SPVM puts a lot of effort into ensuring the safety of Montreal residents.
The number of firearms arrests has also risen from 213 in 2019 to 308 in 2020, and 330 in 2021. It's important to understand that firearms investigations are complex and demanding for those who conduct them, particularly because of the legal requirements that must be met. Evidence relies heavily on investigative techniques, as few witnesses and victims cooperate in these types of investigations.
For example, the SPVM has set up various teams, including an anti-gun trafficking team, the ELTA, which has now become the EILTA, a team integrated with the Centaur strategy, the provincial strategy to combat firearms trafficking.
As for firearms seizure in Montreal, 1,017 weapons were seized in 2020, including 269 handguns. In 2021, although the total number of guns seized was slightly lower, at 963, 360 of them were handguns. It is this higher number that caught our eye as this is the most common type of weapon used in violent events. We're talking about a 34% increase for this type of weapon.
We have made several observations. Illegal firearms have become more accessible in recent years in partricular. Even gun dealers sometimes do business in public, in broad daylight. We've also noted a stronger presence of firearms among youth. There is a sense of impunity, a strong gun culture, an ll of these factors partly explain this gun craze emphasis on gun possession. Finally, shows of force are prized and advocated within crime groups. In short, aand the increase we've seen in violent events involving firearms.
We also need to adapt to new realities, which include crime groups using social media to flaunt their lifestyle and challenge their opponents. It's important to focus on this usage.
To address gun violence in Montreal, the SPVM has a strategic plan that mobilizes police officers around short-, medium- and long-term action. The plan rests on two pillars: an integrated and concerted strategy, and a commitment from all stakeholders.
The plan is structured around five main thrusts. We want to ensure cooperation within our organization, but also with other police agencies. Combatting gun violence is a shared responsibility. The goal is to make people feel safer. Our constable force ensure an optimal street presence; our inspector force optimize the structure of investigations and partnership with other policing agencies; our intelligence force focus on making investigations—