Thank you, Chair.
I would just like to point out that if it weren't for Conservative filibusters, we would have been finished with Bill C-26 and we would be on auto theft right now.
If this were such a serious issue, they wouldn't have brought up Emergencies Act motions—at least six of the same thing, just changing how many meetings—and they would have gotten to the point. I believe that, just at the last meeting, it was the first time a Conservative member actually asked witnesses a question on Bill C-26. If it were such a concern, we would have already been studying auto theft—which was Ms. Michaud's motion to begin with, which we all agreed with.
I think it's crucially important that we finish Bill C-26 and move forward with auto theft, and we can do that. We still have to submit amendments and things like that and then get to clause-by-clause, but we can go to auto theft in the meantime.
I will just confirm that the ministers, both Minister LeBlanc and Minister Champagne, are scheduled on Bill C-26 for February 15, and Minister LeBlanc is also confirmed for his appearance for the week when we're sitting in March. He's there on his mandate, and that's been confirmed to the clerk. Those are both scheduled.
I would like to point out that the minister was available sooner, but we were in a different study, and it was decided to invite other witnesses to come before that. I recognize the frustration in terms of scheduling the minister. I have been taking that back, but if it weren't for all of the continuous filibusters, we would have been in a very different place as a committee.
We need to finish Bill C-26. We have only two meetings left after this. We have the ministers and then one more, I believe, and then we can move forward, but if we continue to get filibustering motions from the Conservatives and they're not serious about talking about Bill C-26, then we're not going to be able to get to auto theft. It's a shame that they've done that, since it's really important.
I would very much hope that we can finish this study and move to auto theft, which was always the plan. Again, we would have been there if it weren't for Conservatives wasting committee time and taxpayer money talking about motions that they actually never even wanted to vote on.