Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Robertson, welcome to the committee.
The brief that you submitted to the committee contains a number of recommendations, and we appreciate them. It's very useful for us.
You recommended a mechanism whereby smaller telecommunications service providers, such as providers that have fewer than 250,000 or 500,000 subscribers or customers and that have historically been conscientious in their security arrangements, can seek at least some temporary relief if they're required to undertake new, modify existing or cease ongoing business or organizational practices as a result of a government demand, order or regulation.
Can you elaborate on this mechanism? On a number of occasions, I asked various stakeholders who met with us whether SMEs had any concerns about complying with these types of requirements under the legislation. This could mean more bureaucracy and an additional workload for these companies.
That said, it's a bit worrying that the government could force them to stop their business practices altogether. This may fall under the order‑making powers of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry and the ministers covered by the bill.
I'm wondering about the scope of the ministerial powers. I'll ask you the same question that I put to Mr. Dufresne earlier. How can we better regulate these powers?