We have taken note of that suggestion that you properly raise.
I'm by no means an expert in this area of national security law, but you referred to examples under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act where these advocates are able to participate in these closed proceedings and have access to all of the appropriate intelligence information.
I know in the context of CSIS, there are amicus curiae who can participate in these Federal Court hearings, so we would look favourably upon suggestions or amendments that this committee would want to make to ensure that we get that balance right. There's certainly no principled objection from our part if, in the wisdom of this committee, that were an amendment that would be inserted, which, I hope, would answer some of those very legitimate concerns. We would look favourably upon exactly that kind of démarche.
Why it wasn't included in the beginning, I can't speak to that particular instance, but I'm more than happy to work with colleagues if that's deemed to be an oversight or something that can be corrected. I'm happy to accept the suggestion in a collaborative way.