Certainly we're live to the concerns about industry. Under the Radiocommunication Act, for instance, we currently license spectrum and wireless usage. We have spectrum auctions that are hugely consequential, that shape the industry and that have big implications for businesses. We are already subject to a range of administrative law requirements as established by the Supreme Court, so we're well habituated to that.
In this particular context, the addition of the reasonableness language makes that even further explicit in the bill, and the criteria as established by the Supreme Court for what makes for a reasonable decision include principles of proportionality and the impact on the entity in question.
I can pull up paragraphs 133 to 135 of the 2019 Vavilov decision, entitled “Impact of the Decision on the Affected Individual”. They say very clearly that the gravity of the obligation on the regulated entity, on the person, needs to be reasonably linked with what you're trying to accomplish. The more it is out of whack, the more it is likely to be determined an unreasonable decision and determined as invalid.