Thank you very much.
I'd lean toward what Ms. Aiken said. One of the major consequences we've unfortunately observed is an impressive decline in the research activity and publications of women and young parents at universities. Given the weight that the care of children has represented for women and young parents during the pandemic, the impact on families has been significant. Professors and researchers have had to focus all their energy on making abrupt changes to the way they teach and on putting all teaching online. That has absorbed a lot of their energy for nearly two full years and had a definite impact on research activity.
In addition, it has definitely had a significant impact on the internationalization of research, since migratory flows completely halted during that time. Earlier we discussed immigration problems. A recent study by the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration shows that there have been barriers and a certain amount of dysfunction in that area. It's important that we address this issue if we want to restart the international migratory flows in better conditions for Canada as a whole.