Well, the fact is based on the numbers that we have. We have observed that we have almost the identical rate of acceptance for post-docs for women and men.
However, the fact is, what is the next step? The post-doc is a temporary position. Most of the people who want to do post-docs want to get into an academic career, even though some people believe, which I also advocate, that they do not necessarily want to become a professor but they want to have their own research-based institution, start-up, or something similar.
When it comes to that point, there are the programs that the government has been working on for a long time, which are the CERC and CRC, Canada research chair and Canada excellence researchers. Based on the numbers that I read, those are supporting the women-side of the post-docs, which is absolutely great, to be entering the universities for longer terms.
In terms of the post-docs, I don't see any difference exactly between the men and women.