Well, the price of food is linked to how much you pay and how much you can put on the shelf. Hence, when you look at something like bulk versus packaged produce, it's a challenge. There's a different level of loss when something is sold in bulk versus sold packaged. Stores and retailers make decisions based on consumer preferences, consumption patterns, etc.
The challenge is this: If you have produce that has significant shrink in transit from the farm to the depot, that has to be reflected in the cost, because ultimately the grower gets paid x dollars and you're trying to sell that amount.
Right now, you'll see shrink levels in single digits, depending on, again, the commodity type and time of year. If those shrink levels increase, you could almost say that you're going to see prices increasing proportionally. When we looked at the impact of a significant reduction in plastic packaging for produce—and I said “significant”, like effectively banning plastic packaging for produce last year—we saw the potential for cost increases of over 30%. That was the order of magnitude.