I'd say we need to go back and look at the logistics. The logistics, currently, are that fruits and vegetables get put into plastic and are shipped a very long way. The plastic helps make it look good until it gets in your fridge, where it starts to go off quickly.
I think we just need to redesign the farm-to-fork system to use big containers. Perhaps that's it. I don't know. Logistics isn't my field of expertise, but there has to be a way that we can remove the plastic from the entire system, or at least minimize it.
There are plastic trays that you buy, and the fruit comes wrapped in plastic film with a foam tray underneath. I never asked for my fruits and vegetables to look like that. I never asked for plastic to be on my cucumbers, but it's there. It got pushed on the public. We didn't ask for it. It was all to increase the profits of the supermarket by making food last or look better for a little longer.
I think the government could step in here and start to fund some research into this. Industry should be looking at it. You should be regulating it.