Yes. I'm currently in northern Norway.
The question you ask is a very good question, but it would take a week of us sitting down together to nail it down properly. There are alternatives. We've always had alternatives. I don't know about you, but when I was younger, there was no plastic. We had refillable bottles. Milk came in a refillable bottle.
These days, we have the ability to move vegetable material as packaging from places like Asia, Africa and India, which can supply disposable vegetable matter, instead of using vegetables to make new plastic. Environmentally, it's almost identical, because bioplastic and virgin oil-based plastic have the same effect in nature. It has the same effect on us. It's been shown to be just as toxic. Biodegradable is the same. We're not improving things by moving to these other materials. Toxically and environmentally, it's irresponsible.