In terms of whatever format of plastic you're looking at today, there is a means to deal with that material. Typically, right now, through our mechanical recycling or our traditional recycling systems, it's your core materials—your number one plastics, your number twos—that have the greatest value. That's why they're being recycled and recovered the most. Even for the other types of materials or the ones that are harder to recycle—the flexibles, the films—there are solutions for managing that material. That's the first point I would make.
In terms of the material that's getting lost to our landfills, as I mentioned, an estimated 12 million tons, U.S. tons, are finding their way into landfills. That's because, for whatever reason, consumers at home who have access to a program at their curbside are inadvertently or purposely putting it into the garbage stream, and it's ending up in our landfills. There are definitely solutions to recover and direct that material to reuse opportunities as recycled content in new packaging.