Yes. That's understood.
I think both Sarah and I have talked about the importance of having an independent mechanism, a representative body outside of the capstone. Whether that's the council on science and innovation or whether that's the governing council of capstone itself, it necessarily needs to have that diversity of voices.
Part of what we heard from the health community is how important it is—especially if CIHR moves over from under the Minister of Health to the Minister of Industry—to maintain that inextricable link, the spirit of the act of CIHR about the health of Canadians.
We also need to think of people with lived experience. We need to think of people in the provinces at the provincial level. All of these voices are extremely important.
I think your example about international development and what we know about the importance of local voices in designing solutions really does apply here as well. It comes down to how we set up representative bodies to be a part of the designation of priorities and strategies for the country.