This is where each word I say.... Well, you know, a lot of people are listening right now.
Let me be honest. We have most of the programming capacity, if you will. We have the staff to run most of these competitions, existing and otherwise. I think it's about redeploying existing human resources to support the agency, rather than growing them. There will be a need for a certain number of employees, but the councils are efficient organizations in terms of human resources. Even with that efficiency, certain of those human resources could be redeployed towards the capstone. Currently, there is some tri-council programming run from TIPS, some run from NSERC and some run from CIHR. My hunch is that there are ways of redeploying existing human resources. They could be allocated to mission-driven calls or interdisciplinary calls.
In terms of programming budgets, that's where it's floating. Again, this is very important: If you're redeploying existing resources but don't increase research budgets.... I'm putting aside the operational budget. I think a lot of the operational budget could be redeployed in the system to achieve many of the goals, but not all of them. There will be some need for new employees, but it's not a huge over-and-above addition, if it's done correctly.
However, the research programming budget needs to be increased because, if we reallocate CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC funding to do the mission-driven part, we will lose even more ground relative to our competitors. The programming envelope, in certain respects, is more floating, because mission-driven calls could be part of a strategy that has a few years. The recurrence of some programming envelopes is not seen in the same way. If you say that you want to do five years of quantum cryptography or five years of food security, you budget for five years. There's no recurrence. You just say that, for five years, you're supporting this kind of research. Everybody's expectations should be adjusted to the fact that, in five years, there may not be additional money—or there may be. The government of the day will have to determine that.
It's a different kind of programming budget for the mission-driven part than it is for the council part. The council part is about more stable funding, so the recurrence is very important. The predictability of the funding for investigator-driven research is more important than it is for the mission-driven part.