I think, to go back to that independent board of directors, that this was a recommendation from the Bouchard report and the Naylor report, so I take zero credit for that, but I really appreciate your question, because I think that too often we look at it as basic versus applied, and that is simply not the case now. It's kind of outdated in today's era of rapid discovery.
Instead, it's really a dynamic non-linear cycle where you're continuously informing and driving each other, and that means we need the people with the applied knowledge. These are data specialists. These are the people who know how to run an MRI machine. These are technical positions that are trained for at colleges, at NAIT, for example, in Edmonton, where I was.
We need these jobs, and we need them to be working together. That's why funding science and research, especially with these kinds of infrastructure personnel jobs, is not just about discovery versus applied or about basic versus applied.