Even though everybody is operating on a different level, whether it's industry or basic research, there are shared needs that, if we met them, would really benefit the entire research process from basic fundamental, to clinical, to entrepreneurship and innovation.
Some of the shared needs are the fact that in Canada we have this incredibly unique culture of collaboration. We want to share our resources and we want to share the data. What we've heard from our consultations with stakeholders in all of these different fields is that we need to bring this data together. When you have data on research and data on clinical research, all different fields and sectors can access it. They can benefit and use that data. It also makes them work together because they're all working on the same data.
That cannot be supported by grant funding alone. It is something that complements and amplifies the impact of the grants that we're funding. There is currently no mechanism in Canada to support things like that.
My understanding of the capstone is that it's really supposed to do something extra on top to fill those gaps and to provide that stability that we do not have because we don't have the number of people and the base that the United States has. However, we do have that really unique superpower of being able to collaborate. It requires infrastructure and resources to support it.