Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you all for being here today. It's greatly appreciated. With the witnesses that we had prior, it's so great to continually learn and see so many different aspects.
Ms. Morin, your comment is great because you talked about what I would describe as many disciplines and what we need to have. A lot of times, when we talk about research, I think the average Canadian would think that it's just health sciences or it's natural sciences, whereas we need to also incorporate humanities and social sciences as part of that. Often, that gets broken down.
When we have witnesses coming here, everyone has their own priority. That's what's important to them because that's their area of expertise.
The Canadian Brain Research Strategy is actually very important to me because as a 16-year-old, I was the victim of a hit and run by a drunk driver. I had brain matter draining out of my left ear. I've had a lot of issues that I've had to deal with from the brain, so I would like to see a lot of the research going to that avenue. That's a personal issue of mine.
Those are important things as we move forward.
Ultimately, we have universities, colleges, organizations and businesses. The capstone is going to be an organization that's going to be a bureaucracy. It's not going to be money for brain research, such that they can study more issues of dealing with CTE or whatever the issue may be. They're not going to get that extra money. The money is going to be creating a bureaucracy.
How do we take that money and, instead of creating a bureaucracy, get the tri-council to do the job, doing that appropriate accountability and accreditation and making sure that they're doing what they should be doing?