Thank you very much.
Less than 3% of the federal investment in research is currently going to applied research. I think that, to your point, the investment needs to be there in order for us to really be able to push this out.
When I look at the examples of the kinds of research happening on our campuses, I'm seeing interdisciplinary. I'm seeing business driven. I'm seeing looking at Canada's big challenges and how to make small steps towards the solution.
As an example, at Saskatchewan Polytechnic, they are helping Titan, a clean energy products company, manufacture urban waste wood into plastics. Creating those plastics from wood reduces GHG emissions by more than 90%. I don't see how this is not good for the company, and how this is not good for Canada.
That's the kind of research that is happening on the ground. It is not one thing. It doesn't require one researcher in one discipline. It brings in students. It's bringing in companies. It's bringing in instructors. That's what I see when I look across the college sector and something I'd like to see more of.