Thank you.
I think there is a direct relationship between gaming these metrics—you mentioned the h-index—and other similar metrics and the production of, I would certainly say, sloppy research. In other words, it's the overproduction of research.
There is a tension between quantity and quality. I think the system has so overemphasized and so over-rewarded quantity that quality has suffered a great deal. We often say at Retraction Watch that fraud, misconduct and sloppiness are all born of the same mother, and that mother is the pressure to publish.
Now, for some researchers, and I would argue most researchers, that simply means pushing harder and trying to do better work. For some small percentage, although I don't think it's as small a percentage as a lot of researchers, scientists and policy-makers would like to think it is, that means people commit fraud, turn to a paper mill or in some way fudge their results.
I think this is a big driver of problematic research.