I think that conclusion seems to be strengthened all the time. We just had another report out last week or the week before from the United States, out of Rutgers University, I believe. This report actually did some experiments and showed that a lot of this diversity training actually increases negative responses toward certain groups.
For example, I believe they had people read different passages of text. One would be a text on something completely benign, like corn production in the United States, and the other passages would be from books by critical race theorists like Ibram X. Kendi. Depending on what passage they read, they would then interpret a very neutral circumstance in a different way. For example, they would say that a person applied to an elite east coast university and after an evaluation by an admissions officer, they were rejected. People who had read an Ibram X. Kendi passage, for example, would have a considerably higher likelihood—I can't remember the numbers, but say 30%—of interpreting some sort of misdeeds by the admission officer.
Again, I think there's a lot of evidence that EDI does cause problems.