Some of the barriers are with respect to mental health, definitely. It is a big issue. Some of the barriers are financial. We are often the first door for students at the college level, because they are the first ones to go to post-secondary education, or we are the last door because they have tried many others, and we need to have access to wraparound services. Our classes have only 30 people in them, but some of the students we have need a lot of support. They had support at the elementary and high school levels, but when they arrive at the post-secondary level, it's harder to get access to all those wraparound services.
One of the things we have observed in the last 15 years—and I have a great slide I will be pleased to share with you—is that at the post-secondary level, we have seen diminishing public funding across the country. This is a big barrier, because it means that we cannot offer all the services we should be able to offer to students. We need to ensure that we have a robust public education system in Canada.