Let me say that the increased support for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows is absolutely crucial. The percentage of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows funded through those federal funds, though, is quite small. The vast majority of funding for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows comes from the universities, hospital-based research institutes and the granting sources to researchers' supervisors, and quite a bit of that is TA support—teaching assistant support—as you heard in the last session. I couldn't agree more that the value of the graduate student and post-doctoral fellowship awards should be on par with inflation, and I strongly support that.
Nevertheless, the $100-million investment in new recruits is different. This is for faculty positions, in the first five years of an assistant professor's career, so it is along those lines, the same pathway, but it would enable us to take those post-doctoral fellows who are really the most innovative and who are really going to support our best research in Canada and recruit them with the type of funding that is competitive internationally.
My recommendation is that both are required.