You're right. The Pickering nuclear plants are scheduled for retirement mid-decade. Given the amount of electricity they produce, it's going to be a tough gap to fill. Small modular reactors, even these first ones that Ontario Power Generation is bringing to Ontario to connect to the grid, will not be available until after that point, which is later this decade.
We are facing a demand for electricity that is coinciding with the Pickering plants coming off. That demand for electricity is growing, so it is a real issue. Of course, you'll have the CEO of Ontario Power Generation here to talk about a strategy for bridging that.
As a little side note here, I'll say that when we talk about doubling or tripling the amount of electricity generation that we have in this country to be able to fuel-switch and electrify things like transportation, electric vehicles, etc., people have a hard time getting their heads around how much electricity that's going to take.
I'll give you an example.
I was speaking to the CEO of one of the steel companies in Ontario, which is going to install an electric arc furnace to power its furnaces. That one company alone is going to require more than a gigawatt of additional electricity just to power its own operations.
This future in Canada in terms of not only creating enough electricity to replace fossil fuels, but also being able to switch these industry players away from fossil fuels for high-temperature heat and electricity is going to be just enormous. We have to start deploying quickly.