I'm sorry. I have hearing difficulties. I had a very hard time hearing the translation on my end, but I will answer the question that I believe I heard, which relates to wind power and small modular reactors.
When I look at an energy system, I think you'll need to have a balance of both intermittent resources and reliable baseload generation. When you get an overcommitment in one category of intermittency and we're subject to extreme weather events, like the one that happened in Texas a year ago.... About 180 people died because of the intermittent sources and their dependencies on other technologies.
I think there's a way to complement both the intermittent sources and the baseload sources to create a stable, reliable and resilient electricity grid that's producing clean energy. That comes from a diverse portfolio of generation sources that would include solar, wind, nuclear and carbon capture with sequestration, among other technologies. It would be regionally sized and allocated for those regions that have the resources to utilize it, including hydro.