Thank you, and thank you to the witnesses for being here. I must say, it's nice to have witnesses here in person. It's a very welcome change.
I'm going to start with Mr. Gorman.
With this narrative, SMRs will be key or at least useful in getting remote communities, especially indigenous communities, off diesel. However, when I speak to indigenous leaders and people who work with indigenous communities on energy issues, they have been unanimous in rejecting this narrative.
On top of that, we've had the Anishinabek chiefs in assembly, the Chiefs of Ontario and other groups who have come out and said they don't want nuclear technology to replace diesel. They want energy systems that they can implement themselves, that they can understand themselves, that they can employ their people to run. They want systems that have proven technologies that are cheap and available now. They want to get off diesel now, not in 2035.
I'm just wondering how you answer those concerns, because it seems to be radically opposed to this narrative I hear again and again that this will get all of these communities off diesel.