Yes, of course. Thank you for your question.
It is a technology that we are developing. It is new. It is innovation that we're developing here in Canada. A lot of the work we're doing to validate it is going on, as I said, in the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, to verify the science and ensure it can happen safely.
The main product left behind, the biggest volume.... Instead of a CANDU bundle about this size, which is currently high-level waste, the main residual waste is the uranium, and it's no longer high-level waste.
In the CANDU bundle this size, there's a very small amount of high-level waste inside of it, which makes the whole thing radioactive for a long time. We can take out that small bit of long-lived waste and use it as fuel, and the 99% that's left is essentially almost natural uranium, which can be disposed of much more safely and easily. We'll still need the deep geological repository that Canada is looking at building at the moment, but hopefully we can make the job easier by making it smaller and simpler.
Lastly, as we develop the process, we're working with the Canadian nuclear regulator to make sure that this is all done to the highest standards. There's also an international regulator, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which we're working with and which monitors the safety of this process.