Yes. This is a real problem. The unanimous recommendation of the Seaborn panel, way back in 1998, was that there should be a fully independent nuclear waste agency with a board of directors that represents various stakeholders. Instead what we have is a radioactive waste management organization that represents the waste producers. There is kind of a conflict of interest there that could become very serious when things start going wrong.
In Germany, for example, they had an underground waste repository. For 10 years the people in charge did not reveal that it was leaking into the groundwater and into the surface waters. Now they're spending over $5 billion in Canadian equivalent to take that waste out of that underground repository. It will take 30 years and it will cost a lot of money, and it's quite dangerous.
We need to have people who are independent of the industry and who do not see the necessity to cover up problems because it's bad PR for the industry.