I think Mr. Hartwick from OPG said it best. Having that inclusion from the start is really one of the key pieces in creating that trust. You have to be equal players at the table. You have to be involved in those conversations from the very beginning. That includes defining what those processes look like.
Another key component of building that trust—whether you are a proponent, a researcher from the university or anyone within the industry—is having made some real commitment towards those renewed and positive relationships. We see a lot of industry coming forward with reconciliation action plans, OPG being one of them, and that really has demonstrated a commitment to these relationships. That's where the good conversations start.
It's really important to be able to have some of those tough conversations around what happened in the past. When I say meaningful and authentic engagement, I mean it's kind of uncomfortable sometimes, because you have to have those conversations. I think Mr. Hartwick is a great example. He said we haven't done it right in the past, but we're doing it right now, and I completely agree with him.