It takes a large number of engineers and operators at the Darlington site to run a unit. I think one of the major goals in SMRs is a simplification of the design and operations, so that the load of people you need to manage that reactor on a daily basis is much reduced and can be accomplished by training a local workforce that will be on shift and gainfully employed in the operation of the reactor.
The complement of people will be lower than at a large site, but will still be appreciable. I don't have a formal number or an assessment from any vendor, but I would imagine you'd need six or 10 people to be around to do the checks, check out equipment and do those kinds of things. That's the type of direct employment.
When we look at studies at McMaster, for example, what we would really like to use is the waste heat. We would like to see large agriculture attached to these reactors to be able to utilize that waste heat to grow strawberries in a climate in which you can't grow strawberries.