It's an excellent question.
Right now, I think 100% of my students usually end up at OPG or at Bruce Power, on projects related to either refurbishment or the new nuclear builds that OPG is pursuing. A great deal of effort is being focused there on this first success. It's important to have a first success. It gives confidence to the public and also to the private sector, to invest and to continue investing.
I think that 2028 is a great target date for the first SMR. I would hope that the second, the third and the fourth.... I would like to see the 10 to 15 SMRs that it takes to really reach a point of cohesiveness by 2033 to 2035, because then it should be a fully commercial operation.
There shouldn't be a huge role for government, except in regulation. Whether the reactors are accepted by the community or not.... I mean, they have their own decisions to make with regard to energy and other issues.
That's the time frame I look at to have a number. Just to have a target date, I would like to see it by 2033 to 2035.
I know that Saskatchewan is looking at three or four reactors, as is New Brunswick. Ontario's OPG is looking at four. By the time we finish just the builds that are being discussed within that time frame, I think we will be in a very good position. We'll be in a good position, not just nationally, but internationally, to play a leading role as other countries start pushing in that direction.