I want to repeat what I mentioned earlier, which is that the total market from mines and remote communities is quite small in comparison with what would be required to manufacture the number of SMRs that would be required to justify building a factory.
The second point, which I didn't bring up earlier, is that if you look at mines and remote communities, they're all very different and they all have different levels of energy needs, so it's very unlikely that the same single nuclear reactor would actually service all of these.
If you're thinking about trying to build custom-built small modular reactors or microreactors for each of these communities, then the cost will go up even further.
The last point I want to say is that the 15¢ per kilowatt hour estimate, I think, is grossly underestimating what it's going to cost. If you were to think about the cost of one of these smaller reactors at a per-kilowatt scale, that can be much higher than for a large reactor, and the 8¢ per kilowatt hour is not the cost of a new large reactor; these are existing reactors where the construction costs have been amortized already.
For a new reactor.... This is why Ontario thought about building one at the end of the first decade of the century and then eventually abandoned it when it saw the incoming tender costs. I think that's something to remember.