Thank you, Madam Chair, and thank you to all the witnesses for coming today.
It's very appreciated when you have different viewpoints. It's quite interesting how everyone has their own opinions and opportunities to bring forward to this group and the committee. That's one of the great things I like about being a member of Parliament, getting to hear from many different sides on this. It's quite unique.
I would like to start off with Ms. Landrie-Parker.
I think it's quite important research and information that you're doing right now. I'm really quite interested in this, because in 2018 you published a report entitled, “Building a Community Engagement Framework for the Nuclear Energy Industry in Canada's North”. We're building trust through education and through community engagement and involvement, and that could strengthen the support for nuclear energy.
I think you mentioned the importance of making sure there's proper consultation.
I'd like you to talk more about that, as well as about the value you place on proper education to encourage nuclear energy as an alternative source of power.