I am 56 years old, and life expectancy is very high in my family. However, while it may be a fine dream, I think it will not be achieved during my lifetime, because of academic freedom, university curricula, and the internationalization of those curricula. We must not forget that this practice would apply not only to bilingual and francophone universities, but also to anglophone universities.
At present, we have to consider not only the question of publications in French, but also the matter of promoting research about the francophonie. If I want to publish an article in English about my studies in French Ontario, that is not very sexy. I get lovely rejection letters saying:
“Our readership is not interested in this topic. Please try a francophone journal.”
However, if I really want to communicate and show the links between what I am doing and what is being done in Wales, I lose that opportunity. These are two subjects.
So how do we make people aware of this? We could always ask the Commissioner of Official Languages to work with the universities.