Thank you, Ms. Diab.
The Conférence de chimie théorique et numérique is also called QUITEL or CHITEL. This acronym basically refers to a conference bringing together chemists and theorists from Latin languages, be it Romanian, Spanish, Italian or French. It is a large conference with some international prestige and is held annually, except during the COVID‑19 pandemic.
For this conference, the entire Latin world was convened until 2019, except for Canada. Two of my colleagues and I had organized this conference in Montreal. All presentations, both oral and poster, were in two Latin languages, French and Spanish. Of course, presentations in English were welcome. There is no discrimination with regard to languages, but the vast majority of presentations were made in French and Spanish, the two dominant languages of this conference. Indeed, both languages have strong roots in South and Central America and Spain.
From what I heard, this conference was a great success and generated considerable linguistic interest. Many French-speaking Canadians, who are not from typically bilingual universities or provinces, such as Saskatchewan, attended this conference. One student, from the University of Saskatchewan, I think, won an award for the best presentation.
In any case, this conference emphasized the importance of expressing cutting-edge science in Latin languages. You will be surprised to learn that the participants of this conference were attending presentations in Romanian, even if they more or less understood what the presenter was saying. So this was the QUITEL, or CHITEL, conference of 2019.
Talks are underway for a conference in 2025. This will be a conference on transdisciplinarity. Why address this topic in French? It is because the main philosopher who invented this field of philosophy of science is a researcher of Romanian origin at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique français, Basarab Nicolescu. This philosopher pushed this field of study, where researchers try to find out what the different disciplines have in common, instead of just trying to put the different disciplines together to tackle the same problem. So it's a transgression from top to bottom of the discipline. This conference brings together artists, poets, particle physics researchers, mathematicians and mathematician-artists, who are going to make art out of mathematics.
I'll give you one last example because I think my six minutes are almost up.
The mathematics that is used in stock market forecasting is very similar to the mathematics that physicists use in statistical physics, which is the basis of thermodynamics. They predict the laws of thermodynamics based on the underlying atomic and molecular laws. This is the same mathematical background that is used in banking and in physics.