Okay. Thank you.
I'm just wondering. I've heard various suggestions here on how we might turn that around with open access, simultaneous translation or having various countries of la Francophonie I guess co-operate in promoting this. But if it seems that, for instance, publication of scientific articles in France has essentially gone to zero in French, and it's all in English, I'm just wondering whether we should be concentrating on the other aspects of this in terms of finding ways of funding programs in French and supporting those French programs.
Perhaps I can ask you one more question, Mr. SĂ©vigny, because you're sort of associated with the funding councils. How should we be assessing the strength or power of the science behind the various applicants if...? I assume that traditionally it's largely done through the publication record. Part of that record is citations, and citations are all about who's reading your work and who's citing it. That seems to be circling around English now.
Are there other ways we should be looking at that? Are there discussions on how to change that? Somebody talked about unconscious bias or subconscious bias. This is even conscious bias, I think, if we're talking about citations of English articles, basically.