I'd be happy to.
We use a form of fuel called TRISO fuel. The beauty of this fuel is that it's been called, as I said in my opening remarks, “the most robust fuel on earth”. If you'll let me geek out for a moment, I'll tell you a bit about it.
We take a poppy seed-sized kernel of uranium carbon and oxygen. We then coat it in three layers of ceramic using pharmaceutical-grade technology. Nineteen thousand of those kernels are then put in a ball and covered in graphite. Graphite doesn't melt under any temperature a nuclear reactor can get to, so you're left with a very safe, very robust fuel that nobody can take apart and do anything nefarious with. It's sealed. It's contained. If someone walks away from the control room—not that they would, but if they did—the reactor would just slightly go up, and then shut down on its own. That's the beauty of our fuel.