I already mentioned the cell atlas project. Let me mention another organization that was recently created in the U.S., called BARDA. I don't remember exactly the breakdown of the acronym, but it's like “Biomedical Advanced Research” something. What it's meant to do is fund mission-oriented research and development to protect Americans from potential biomedical threats. That includes pandemics and also bioterrorism and things like this.
I think this is a great initiative. We don't have to do exactly the same thing, but I think there are a lot of interesting lessons to take. I already mentioned how DARPA, which has been around since the 1960s, has completely transformed the American economy. It was meant to fund military research, but as a side effect of wanting to develop better electronics, it gave rise to the revolution that you know about.
Having these mission-oriented organizations—and I'm not saying they're perfect; they're interesting examples—in places where the markets would not have gone or would have gone much later is really essential. I haven't done a study to compare all of these things, but this is something that could be done.