I would reinforce our ask for the government to be an equity partner through warrants, and to invest in a long-term program that is stable and that takes us outside of traditional grant requirements that seek to limit capital investment in research and development, but I think it's also a question of keeping the talent here and then building out the manufacturing capacity and the supply chain.
In Canada, we're really good at seed financing and we're really good at producing RIP, restricted intellectual property, but when you look at.... I think it was the C.D. Howe Institute that looked at how much the copyright or the licensing of that IP gets taken away by other countries.
We don't want that to happen with our technology. We want to be able to manufacture the kits here. We are a technology provider in the sense that we don't plan to own or operate our plants, so that gives us opportunity to build them out here, but it also gives us opportunity to export our technology and to make government revenue from that.