Maybe I could add a bit. I talked about scientific literacy. Certainly, one way is to increase scientific literacy all across Canada. I think we saw that with the pandemic.
It's very important to do that from day one, almost in primary school. Young kids are very curious. They want to learn things, so to explain a bit—of course, with simple words—what science is and the fun of science.... It's not only that it's hard, tough and difficult, but that it's fun to do science. You keep doing that with teenagers, because at that point, it's a bit more challenging with some of them. There are some who believe in that and who have fun in science, even though they find it hard, so finding ways to interest them in science....
Throughout life, I think it's the duty of government—local, provincial and national—to offer opportunities to increase scientific literacy here in Canada and, I hope, all over the world. It's key to democracy, I think.