I appreciate that.
I also appreciate this notion of integrity. The web and the information out there.... We've spoken a lot about the misinformation that also exists. Enabling that integrity to be kept in check is critical. I see stuff on YouTube about these new birds that don't exist. That's just an example.
We need to be sensitive. That measure of accountability, your portal and a few other things that you're promoting and discussing today are welcome.
I don't know how you maintain it with respect to those that still proscribe and divulge information. People buy into it. Kudos to you for fighting back and enabling that integrity to exist. All of us have a sense of responsibility to also make sure that it is protected.
I don't know if I have anything more to add other than.... Give me your thoughts or an example of misinformation that is being promoted by someone who is or is not a citizen scientist or maybe proclaims to be, who is putting forward information like the world is flat, for example. It's out there; people believe it. People of some great degree of stature in the community are convinced that this is all bogus.
How do you deal with that misinformation that's out on the web? How do you protect us with regard to it?