I so strongly believe in collaboration. I think it has to be our mantra, so to speak. Depending on with whom you want to be collaborating, of course, the incentives and the facilitations are very different. Governments have huge tools to facilitate collaboration with specific sectors, between academia and businesses, as well as supporting civil society and communities that want to do research and collaborate as well, based on their local needs and local capacities, and growing those capacities.
It's difficult to provide specific tools, except to say that governments have a number of things. If they wanted to have more businesses develop certain products, they are great buyers. There are procurement things that can be done, and of course taxation and regulations. There are infinite possibilities. Governments are facilitators. I think the expectation of the citizens of this country is that all levels of government will work together and work with the communities and researchers themselves.
In this pandemic, we saw how the researchers were willing to step up and be very generous with their advice and their time. Many of them pivoted to doing research in areas that are needed by our country for the pandemic. I'm very hopeful on those fronts.