I'm happy to add a bit on a situation I'm currently concerned about.
Canada is blessed with an extraordinary level of expertise and engagement among the research community, the citizen community and indigenous peoples. We have invested heavily in our programs for sampling certain elements of our biological diversity. What we have not done is stitch those efforts together.
What I'm trying to promote—and what I would like us to think about, moving forward—is the creation of a Canada-wide, multilanguage and multiperspective biodiversity observation network. This would upscale the QCBS model. We get engagement coast to coast by working with local communities through this networked approach.
I don't think this is an insurmountable problem. In the 21st century, across a territory of this size, we have to work in this networked fashion. I'm calling this the Canada biodiversity observation network. It will be something like the meteorological service that we have and rely upon every day. Imagine that as an analogue to understanding the state and fate of our biological diversity.